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Interview with Sean from Verwulf Tyrant By DONHEAD CRAIG

Writer's picture: Donhead CraigDonhead Craig

Updated: Oct 13, 2019

Sean welcome to Black mass, can you tell us some History on Verwulf Tyrant & how did the band start?

Sean: I discovered black metal in high school and it made more sense to me than anything else ever had. Verwulf Tyrant started as my solo expression of what black metal meant to me and the hate I felt in my soul. I wrote a few songs in 2000 but no recordings survived my long in and out of jail for violence habits of my early twenties. In 2012 I started making music again.

What Black metal bands Influenced you to start creating BM music and who are some of the earlier Bands you wrote music with before Verwulf Tyrant?

Sean: Well I cut my teeth on the standard black metal fare, but swiftly became more enamored of the Rawer stuff from Europe such as Capricornus from Poland and the French Black Legions groups like Vlad Tepes and Black Murder. Lately, I have been more into the United States Black metal bands like Profanatica, Demoncy, Grand Belial's Key, and of course Black Witchery.I was in some live acts Like Archaic Atavism, Nosgoroth and a brief stint as a grindcore vocalist with a band called Amplexus Flamma.

When you start coming up with Verwulf Tyrant Lyrics ...Where do you pull your inspiration from and what fuels your fire in the lyric creating process?

Sean: That process is organic and evolves and changes with each song, but I try to stray from standard formulas and do away with pretense in my lyrics and simply offer a passionate perspective but in general I am seeking to channel the spiritual presence of hate.

NSS or No safe space..can you tell us more about that ...Is it a collective of Black metal musicians who creates music or is it your label?

Sean: NO SAFE SPACE is a compilation album I am putting out to showcase and exemplify uncompromising black metal in its truest forms. I intend to do one each year featuring bands from all over the globe.This is the maiden voyage. My DIY black metal label is Verboten Front Media and is still in its formative stages, this being our third ever release.

On Aug 30th, 2019 you Released a two-track Digital release On Bandcamp called VORWARTS with tracks "Poison is the well"& Vorwarts"... Is Verwulf Tyrant working on more tracks for an upcoming full length for a future release?

Sean: That single will stand alone. It was a single recorded on the porch in Idaho, blessed with whiskey and Goats Blood.The next release will be entirely different.

On the Track "Funereal ashes" on the split release with Crown of Wallachia ...That track Has a very raw, experimental Industrial sound.What inspired you to create that track in its full chaos?

Sean: The death by overdose of a close friend had a huge hand in that song, and in my mind, it is a head nod to the late 90s and bands like BEHERIT. The arrangement wasn't done by me.

What methods do you use when making your brand of USBM while recording tracks in the studio?

Sean: I simply use what's available to me and make do with rudimentary implements and poor conditions. I use two boomboxes and cassettes to mix, get into a manic state by fasting and imbibing caffeine to excess and work on it until its done.I go a little crazy.

With all the Bullshit that's going on in the world today with hate and violence within news & social media ...Does Verwulf Tyrant drag any inspiration from that to create music?

Sean: Oh yeah.I'm watching the world burn and I LOVE it!

Who are some of the new members of Verwulf Tyrant ..I remember you mentioned a while back you had a new drummer in the band? can you tell us more about the other members and who they are?

Sean: It's difficult to keep up with me and people fall to the wayside, clinging to political correctness and robot mentalities becoming ballast, dead weight holding back the project, so I remain the only Permanent fixture in Verwulf Tyrant. It's not called Verwulf Tryants hahaha.

Sean...What Verwulf Tyrant release was your favorite to work on?

Sean: I am proud of the single you mentioned earlier, as it showcases some new vocal stuff that I've been practicing, but mixing the old stuff with cassettes was an interesting challenge. Are you trying to trick me into admitting to having fun?

I once heard you have a vast collection of animal skulls and weird stuff, what are some of your favorites in your collection?

Sean : Skulls, Human skulls, bones, animal skulls, bones skins, mummies, feathers, claws, shells, you could say I am obsessed.I have a real human skull that I use in ritual often. It sits on my altar with incense burning in it every time I record or write, I drink from it, etc. It's my prized possession even over my cassettes and vinyl. I take it hiking with me.I collect dog skulls especially because I am fascinated

by the variation in shape and size within animals that can still reproduce with one another. Yes, the rumors are true. All the skulls in the videos are mine.

Are there any other genres of music out there that has inspired Verwulf Tyrant that is not extreme metal? If so who are some of those bands?

Sean: Fuck, I love old country-western and bluegrass hillbilly folk music and outlaw 70s and 80s badass country like Waylon Jennings,Merle Haggard, David Allan Coe, and Hank Fuckin Williams.

Since its Friday the 13th... Sean, I'm gonna let you take Number 13 to talk about whatever you want on any upcoming Verwulf Tyrant Information for new fans & readers. Feel free to leave links to your music, Merch links,or whatever you wanna talk about. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us here at Black mass Metal. stay Evil my friend....\m/

Sean: Go out among the sheep now and reinstate the natural order!

No Safe Space_tahtinen_@instagram

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